Late Check-Out Guide for Short Term Rental Hosts

Imagine going on a well-planned holiday. Everything is going as per your plans. Unfortunately, due to a flight schedule change, you are forced to stay a bit longer at the short-term rental property in Dubai you had booked. However, the vacation home rentals hosts do not permit longer stay than pre-booked by you. At this moment, you and your family are left without a roof above your head. You either have an option to pay extra for late check-out or carry your luggage to the airport and count hours before the arrival of your flight. Irrespective of the situation, late check-outs can be a significant concern if not planned accordingly. We have prepared a guide that will help the rental hosts to handle the late check-outs wisely and professionally. Read to know more.

Avoid Listing Late Check-Out Or Early Check-In

One of the most common mistakes most rental hosts make is listing their check-in and check-out timings on their official website. It gives the guest the liberty to stay a bit longer beyond their paid stay. However, the rental hosts can offer late check-in and check-out at an additional cost. The guests are aware that they have to pay for their extra stay if they stay longer than expected. Hence it is wise to avoid listing late check-out or early check-in for your rental property.

Prepare Set Rules and Conditions

If the host wants the rental property to run successfully, there are certain conditions concerning the late check-in and check-out timing they need to send to the customers. Otherwise, the guests will stay as they want, causing unpleasant conversations between the hosts. When we speak of conditions and rules, the rental host must mention the guests’ needs for late check-outs and check-in.

Be Clear About The Late Check-In & Check-Out Fees for Short Term Rentals

If you want the guests to be clear about the late check-in and check-out cost, then it is advisable to mention the fees applicable for the same. Since the short term rental Dubai guests pre-book their stay well in advance, they will most likely pre-book their late check-in or late check-out, depending on their travel plans. Some hosts have late check-out fees applicable for their property. It is advisable to be clear about the appropriate time for a late check-out and its costs.

short term rental dubai

Remind Guests About Their Check-Out And Check-In Time

If you want your guests to feel more connected to your property and your hospitality; then we suggest you drop a reminder to the guests before and after their travel. You add credibility to your services and help the guests be more explicit about their check-in and check-out plans. Sometimes, a kind reminder doesn’t harm or hurt anyone’s sentiments; instead, it helps the guests plan their stay accordingly.

Provide Storage Services in Short Term Rentals

Despite all the efforts you make to ensure the guests are clear about their late check-in and check-out, kindly offer them a storage service at the rental property if they still cannot pre-book these services. They can leave their baggage safe in the locker and enjoy some more time walking around on the property or doing some last-minute shopping.

Irrespective of what they choose, your duty is to provide comfort and assistance to your guests as a rental host. Vacation rental homes are perfect for short-term or long-term stays as they are convenient and affordable.

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